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We need your help!

We are asking for assistance by way of donations on a one-off basis or by way of a weekly or monthly regular donations. This will help to ensure we keep the Centre and all the facilities (including our school) are still there for us to enjoy for many years. You can donate via PayPal, our payment email address is: office@midlandsgreek.org or please click here:


Thank you and stay safe 🙏🏼❤️

What we are about and why we require your kind donations – Our Association provides support and facilities promoting community interaction, primarily for the Greek and Cypriot ex patriots living in the UK. However the centre is open to all communities that wish to experience at first hand Greek culture, Greek Cuisine, Greek Language and the Greek Orthodox religion.

Your support is invaluable to us and will assist us in the upkeep of the centre and enable us to provide a safe and comfortable environment in which all of this can happen. The centre is run by volunteers and every single donation we receive is put back into providing these facilities to everyone.

We are incorporated as an Industrial & Provident Society and have exempt charitable status from HMRC (GB-MPR-30050R). In so doing it allows our association to claim gift aid on the voluntary contributions of our supporters. This means that for every £1 donated another 25p can be claimed back from the government.

Full details are available on request and further information is also included in packs that we send out for those people that wish to support us with monthly donations, typically £10 per month.

To make an immediate donation please click on the “donate” button at the bottom of this page. See below link for all the forms you require to setup a standing order with us.

Thank you.

Donation Forms